New Doctor and Resident Electives
Are you a recent medical school graduate or a junior doctor in your residency period? Are you looking for an opportunity to undertake a medical mission trip to Africa?
After years of medical school and clinical studies, the Elective Africa Residency Program Abroad gives you the opportunity to put your clinical skills to test and enhance your competence as a doctor.
Participants get unequaled exposure and hands-on experience in third-world healthcare systems. You will garner global health insight and one-on-one experience of the impact of poverty and socio-cultural traditions on healthcare.
You will be integrated into the local healthcare team and aid in all aspects of patient care and operative intervention. A chance to work alongside other medical professionals and learn how local medics provide healthcare to huge populations despite the limitations of technology and resources.
You will also get a chance to volunteer in our community outreach programs as a way of giving back to the communities that we operate in. The activities include visiting local orphanages, schools, and community health education and sensitization programs.
It is also a chance to travel, unwind and explore the placement destinations through excursions, experiencing an African safari, or hiking the tallest mountain in Africa, Mt. Kilimanjaro; (take a look at this Youtube video to see if it is worth the trip).
Program Specialties
Our new doctor and residency programs abroad meant medical students and qualified doctors are specially tailored to meet individual clinical objectives in your clinical rotations or volunteership program abroad.
The specialties available for rotation include; Surgery, Internal medicine, Accidents, and Emergency, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics and Child Health, Psychiatry, ENT, and pathology among others.
Elective Africa also organizes biweekly insightful global healthcare tutorials at the participants' residences. These are insightful sessions attended by local healthcare professionals to discuss the healthcare system in the country and beyond.
Program Requirements
Depending on whether one seeks the experience for their own good or seeks the experience to complete requirements for a residency program abroad the documents required include:
- The MD graduation certificate
- CV updated with the clinical experiences
- A statement of the objectives one desires to meet while on the program.
- Preceptor papers/documentation that is required by the program for recognition of the program.
This program is truly a great way for one to build their exposure and enhance their skills but it is also an opportunity for recent MD graduates and residents to utilize their skills where they are needed the most.
Why Undertake Your Residency Program Abroad
International clinical rotations help in curving all-rounded healthcare providers with an insight into global health; medics who are not only unhindered by limitations of technology and resources but also conscious of different cultures and environments.
A medical volunteer/ medical mission trip abroad will give you an in-depth medical work experience, different from what you might get in your home country. You will also be expected to:
- Enhance your soft skills like communication, confidence, teamwork, endurance, empathy, resilience, and time management.
- Interact with different cultures thus developing a global health mindset & cultural intelligence.
- Boost your confidence as a result of meeting patients and working in a team.
- A chance to travel and unwind.
Program Duration
Typical new doctor and residency program abroad ranges from 2 to 12 weeks per location.
Spending more time on the programs gives you a scope to become better integrated over time, gaining increased insight into culture and understanding of international healthcare.
Do you want to Come with a Spouse, Family, or Friends?
You may opt to travel alone or travel as a group and make memories together.
Elective Africa’s residency electives can be tailored to accommodate a group. You may also have the opportunity to get a group discount if you tag along with your friend(s) or classmate(s). For more information on groups, contact our placements advisors at or inquire here!
What Is Included in the Residency/ New Doctor Elective Abroad
Our aim has always been to provide you with a memorable, adventurous, and hassle-free program in Kenya or Tanzania.
Applicants pick the desired destinations and departments they want to rotate through. We guarantee your department choices well in advance of your trip. We provide you with detailed pre-departure information such that you can plan your elective abroad down to the finest detail.
The program includes:
- A customized residency program to suit your clinical interests and objectives.
- A comprehensive pre-departure guide.
- Airport transfers as per different location guidelines.
- Designated mentors and support from local staff.
- Gated, safe, and comfortable houses complete with in-house catering, Wi-Fi access, and support staff.
- Biweekly global health tutorials.
- Two-way transport to your clinical site.
- Basic Swahili lessons twice a week.
- Certificate of participation on program completion.
- Volunteer activities as per schedule by local staff.
- A chance to explore and travel: safaris, excursions, and mountaineering as optional add-on activities.
With our new doctor and resident electives in Africa, we endeavor to provide you with an all-around rewarding experience from a great clinical experience to great cultural immersion experiences abroad.
We are confident that you will have a rewarding, enlightening, and adventurous learning experience. For more information on our program structures, download a free brochure for our medical electives abroad in 2024 & summer 2025.
Click Here to APPLY and Start your Journey of Joining us for a Valuable New Doctor/ Residency Program Abroad!
A Differentiated Healthcare Experience
This was a great experience and I would repeat it. I wish that I had more time to spend here. I was at Mt. Meru Hospital, Arusha Tanzania for three weeks in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit and learnt a lot from the medical staff that I worked with. The hospital conditions are a bit different from what I am used to but the staff did the best that they could with what they had.
Damilola Olupona , Nova Southeastern University

Key Aspects
Key aspects of New Doctor and Resident Electives
Customized Placement
Your placement is customized to suit both your specific individual interests and school requirements. This may include your desire to rotate in preferred hospital departments, choice of supervision or more clinical hours.
Supervision and Mentorship
You will work hand in hand with qualified doctors at the health facilities of placement to ensure that you experience real life, practical and supervised rotations in a unique and unmatched healthcare setting.
Differenciated Healthcare System
Interacting with tropical diseases and phased out infections while utilizing limited resources; both human capital and infrastructure is a life-changing opportunity for your professional growth.
Split Placement
We pride ourselves in being one of the few organizations that offer split placements. You can have the placement in two different hospitals in the same location, within two different cities or countries to enhance your experience!
Interactive Global Health Tutorials
An opportunity to learn and share on different health care perspectives with other students and local professionals is always rewarding. We organize interactive sessions that provide you with the opportunity to discuss and ask pertinent questions regarding the healthcare system in your placement location as well as share on the distinguishing healthcare characteristics unique to your home country and other places across the globe.
Book your Placement
Book your spot today by paying a reservation deposit of $350. This is a one-off fee that allows us to plan for your mentorship, prepare for accommodation, and create your MyElective account and facilitating pre-departure support.
SEE OUR PRICESOr call us at +1 (609) 375 8912 to learn more.