I came to the EA program in hopes of getting more hands-on time in an operating room. I actually got an experience that was a million times better than just OR time. We first assisted in many c-sections and got incredible teaching in the Millenium Theare from some amazing obstetricians. We split our time between OB and ER/Minor Theatre. There were many days when we were the medical staff in the minor theatre - performing minor surgeries and suturing wounds under our own direction. The autonomy was an incredible learning experience that just isn't as prevalent in the US anymore - due to all the hand-holding during training.
We learned how to make the most of the resources provided and how to work in less than pristine and perfect conditions. I can say for a fact that this adventure has forever changed me and my future practice as a (future) Family Physician.
Every speciality in the Coast Provincial General Hospital opened their wards to us - in hopes of teaching and sharing medical practices between the US and Kenya. We learned from everyone and were treated as equals. Everyone was encouraging and appreciative of us.
Aside from medicine, Kenya was amazing. We were welcomed by Phares and the staff at the Mombasa Compound with welcome arms. It was an instant home filled with family. We took awesome trips to the Masai Mara Game Reserve and to Malinidi. We learned a ton in the hospital and then had just as much fun exploring Kenya.
One of the experiences that has changed my life, was a trip to the orphanage at St. Patience's school. Bringing smiles to the little children's faces brought a feeling of personal reward that is indescribable.
I hope to return to CPGH in Mombasa as a resident, and later when I'm in my own practice.