Doing an Elective/Premed Shadowing Abroad on a Budget
Truth be told, travelling abroad for a placement or safari or any other business is not a cheap affair. Tickets, accommodation and other expenses make travelling abroad a not so easy venture to undertake but looking on a brighter side, nothing comes on a silver platter. Good news however is, travelling abroad for a healthcare elective or premed shadowing internship can be cheaper.
Here are few suggestions on how you can undertake medical elective or pre- medical shadowing internship abroad on a budget;
Experience as Priority
Experiencing a medical system in a unique and different hospital cultural setting not only enhances your clinical skills but also help you learn on how to be innovative amidst inadequate resources. While a trip abroad also comes in with a great thirst for souvenirs and gifts to preserve the memory, treating the experience as the priority is a major step towards working with a budget for your placement.
Off the Beaten Path
Popular destinations sometimes come with high cost. You can however think of the not so popular destinations. You can liaise with your Placement Organizer for a variety of options. Consider the road less traveled. You will always have incredible things to see, people to meet and even food to try out. Explore the world!
Take Advantage of Periodical Discount Offers
Most placement organizer offer great early bird discounts for their programs. Don’t let these offers pass you. It is even better that these discounts come in early so you have all the time to plan for your medical placement in the coming year or season. You can also watch out for flight offers from sites such as Expedia
Go for a placement only package
While most travel companies provide an all-inclusive package which saves you from all the hustle of finding your way around in a foreign country you can choose to go for a placement only package that connects you to your hospital of volunteer the placement site. You can then find your own accommodation, means of transport and even cook your own meals. Airbnb gives you a variety to choose from.
Earn as you plan for your travel with Elective Africa
Many travel institutions have a system of reward for sharing the message and getting others to their programs. Through different reward programs, you can earn rebates or even cash to further boost your budget. This can be a nice way to check on your budget as you plan on the travel. For example Elective Africa has a special program to reward a participant for referring their classmates or friends. For every referral that signs up to the program you get a US$50. You can mobilize 10 of your friends for instance and get US$500. In the long run, you save by just getting your friends interested.