Intro: Elective Location and Support Experience
"I selected Mombasa, Kenya, as my ideal elective location because of its rich cultural history and beautiful beaches. I also chose this region because I knew I would be attached to a tertiary referral government hospital. The intention was to allow me to fully grasp and better understand the Kenyan healthcare system by working closely with the local Kenyan doctors and graduates. In doing so, I hoped to develop a global health perspective and transform my future outlook.
The team at Elective Africa has been incredibly helpful in assisting me with my pre-planning activities before arriving in Kenya. The main checklist included obtaining my eVisa alongside protective medications and vaccinations. Besides that, it was a fairly straightforward process before arriving in Kenya to begin my 4-weeks elective journey.
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Reflections from My Elective Experience
I have had many memorable moments during my time at Coast General Teaching & Referral Hospital in Mombasa. However, an outstanding experience I encountered during my Paediatric Surgery and Orthopaedic Surgery rotation was how friendly the doctors and medical staff were.
They, Elective Africa, were always willing to answer my questions regarding the different patients and cases. They also took a keen interest in my background and experiences back home. One of the key initiatives I utilised to get more valuable output is by ensuring to always introduce myself and my role to everyone I meet in the hospital. I also actively expressed my expectations for the elective and asked plenty of relevant questions to demonstrate my interest in their respective fields. As a result, I was provided with ample opportunities to scrub in and assist with different surgeries and procedures.
One of the essential skills I have learned from my surgical elective in Kenya is the flexibility to improvise in low-resource settings whilst maintaining patient safety. I have learned to always perform to the best of my abilities for the sake of my patients despite insurmountable challenges and adversities. The team there has inspired me to work hard and diligently in my future surroundings. However, one of the challenges I faced during my placement was that I didn’t have a dedicated clinical supervisor to attach myself to in the various departments. I have had to develop and foster those personal relationships with the different doctors and nurses within the department to allow me to navigate the activities throughout the week. As a result, it has enabled me to observe a variety of interesting cases with many different doctors.
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Comparative Healthcare Observations
Overall, I believe the healthcare system in Kenya, in comparison to the UK, has drawn certain similarities and shown distinct differences as well. For starters, the theatre etiquette here is almost identical to the ones in the UK. Everyone has a clear role and follows the set rules strictly to maintain the sterile field. The surgical cases here are also quite similar in terms of the common ones, such as hernias and fractures. However, one distinct difference I have observed was the interruption from pharmaceutical representatives during clinic hours. It can be very disruptive to a clinician during consultations and raises concerns regarding patient confidentiality. There is also insufficient medical equipment in clinics, wards, and theatres. As a result, I realized that the doctors and staff members have had to consistently improvise whilst maintaining patient safety.
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As we wrap up April, let's take a moment to reflect on the transformative impact of experiences like Aaron's. His testimonial underscores the value of global health initiatives and medical education. Together, we can continue striving towards a future where healthcare is accessible to all, transcending geographic and socioeconomic barriers.
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