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Volume 6, Issue 12  12 2019

First let me start with a great thank you to you for being part of our journey this year! We are also in awe that the year has ended. 

2019 has been great because of you as we got to host amazing individuals from across the globe.Peeps with a quest for adventure & a thirst to explore new cultures.

It has always been an honor to be the leaders in hospital internships and clinical rotations in Kenya and Tanzania. We have kept our word. As 2020 slowly unfolds, we will focus on “impacting every life that comes our way”

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1. Business Treks 
First steps are usually exciting and this year we got to host 41 students from Wharton business school for their Global Immersion Program.They visited various companies in Ethiopia and Kenya in the two countries in their quest to understand the African business landscape. We visited several companies and also took various excursions in the region.
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2. Medical Electives
We had the highest participants in our Medical Internships program thanks to the University of Western Australia, Monash University, Royal College of Surgeons, University of Stellenbosch, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine and University of Auckland.   
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3. Physician Assistant Internships 
We had a really great time with Wayne State University PA students in Mombasa. We really  look forward to having them again. 
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4. New Doctor and Resident Electives
It was an honour to host doctors from East Carolina University and The University of Hong Kong.
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5. Nursing Elective 
Cheers to our participants from University of Gloucestershire and Bangor University. We look forward to hosting you again!
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6. Pre Medical Internships
Elective Africa's Pre-Medical Shadowing Internship that we offer is the best for students undertaking their undergraduate studies or have just finished their pre-medical training. This opportunity is great for premed students who are wondering where they can gain first-hand medical shadowing experience in preparation for application to medical school.

This year, our program Pre PA participants were from Princeton University, University of Michigan, Cornell University and the University of Notre Dam.
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7. Pre Physician Assistant Shadowing Internships  
A big thank-you to Western Washington University, Rutgers University and Monash State University for your Pre PA participation.
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8. Pre Dentistry Internships 
Courtesy of the University of Southern California, the program was a success!
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1. Be willing to learn

Let me burst your bubble, there are not only seven wonders of the world but millions. 2019 has taught us that every person you meet is like a new book, read every page and understand it.

2. To travel is to live 

Always remember that of all the books of the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.

3. Be good but most importantly do good

The purpose of humanity of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others - Albert Schweitzer.

- 2019 was a success! Thank you so much to everyone who was directly and indirectly participated in making it jubilant. We wish you all great success and may we meet again. 

- For the upcoming peeps in 2020, we can’t wait to see you. Karibuni East Africa!

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If you are looking to gain great hospital work experience while relaxing and having fun, then we are your Santa!

Elective Africa programs are tailored to give you a rewarding, enriching, adventurous and unique learning experience. Apply today for a chance to connect with:

  1. A new culture.
  2. Make new friends.
  3. Expand your network.
  4. Boost your social skills.
  5. We also give you the opportunity to dedicate your skills and time to make the world a better place through volunteer programs. 

Have the opportunity to see the great landscapes of Africa with rising terrains from low coastal plain on the Indian Ocean to mountains, plateaus and with great rivers and depressions in-between.

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Off the hospital activities, you have the opportunities for sight seeing, excursions and safari's among others.

For more info, inquires, clarifications or reservations, visit our Website or contact our placement advisors via:

Call: +1 (609) 375 8912 
WhatsApp: +254 (732) 475 278

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