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Volume 5, Issue 7  7 2018
My 8-Weeks Premedical Experience in Arusha

There are moments that leave our mouth agape, there are moments that leave us regretting and then they are moments that even words cannot describe. I can’t say what you will get, all I can say is that traveling abroad will bring with its growth, improvements, adversity which you got to take all in and do what’s right, continue to grow and continue to live in the moment. Watch the beautiful sunsets, learn from a differentiated healthcare system, and explore a new culture. As you head out into the world unknown, to see the world for what it really is and learn, here are some stories, insights, and tips to give you a head start in your planning.

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Giving you a Meaningful Learning Experience; In the Words of our Participants

"This Experience was Wonderful! I am so glad that I came here. I loved every minute at Mt Meru and feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work alongside and learn from such naturally gifted doctors. I never realized what a valued resource, but also the crutch, technology was for us. There is so much information that I don’t have to bother to memorize because I don’t have to. However, the doctors here know it all, because they don’t have a choice and don’t have the luxury of looking it up on the internet at a moment’s notice. They’ve made me realize that I could be so much more than I am and that I can do so much better than I have been doing. It’s so unfair that we have so many resources in the US, and they have so few, but the patients here are truly blessed with the best minds Tanzania has to offer and for that I am grateful.

I have developed such a deep admiration, respect and love for this place and its people. While here, I’ve often been mistaken for a Tanzanian, but I felt honored. The western world paints such a monochrome view of Africa, only showing its needs, but never its beauty, history, spirit or feel. I thank God for this opportunity and pray that I have the ability to come back one day soon. I don’t want to forget Tanzania, and I want to remember it’s people. Until then I hope to help in the best ways I can with what I have where I am. I don’t want to sound cliché, but I’m definitely not the same person I was when I came here, and that’s a blessing in and of itself. Thank you for your hospitality. I pray your program continues to flourish."

Andrea James, PA Students from Mississippi College

Read More Stories from Abroad Experience

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My 8-Weeks Premedical Experience in Africa; Follow Ebel Mackenzie's Journey

After over 20 hours of flying, 9 hours of layovers, and a very strange sleep schedule – I made it to Arusha! Danielle, Tori and I were all picked up from the airport together and arrived at our house at approximately 4:30 pm yesterday after a very scenic hour drive from the Kilimanjaro airport. For most of the drive, we were surrounded by corn and sunflower fields and watched many locals out and about with their animals (goats, chickens, and COWS). We saw various different street markets with vendors selling fruits, clothes and other miscellaneous items (i.e. roofing materials and children’s bikes). We are staying in a big 4-bedroom house (will take pictures soon) in a gated community with a night guard and have a cook, Johanna, who prepares all of our amazing meals for us.

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Quote for the Month

Wealth, if you use it, comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases. 

~ Swahili Proverb 

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